Category: Psychology

  • Budgeting for Maximum Happiness

    Recently I read a book that really challenged my thinking about my needs and desires. The book suggested an activity where both spouses make a list of 10 things that make them the happiest on a weekly basis. If a weekly basis is too narrow, you can open it up to a month. However, the…

  • How to Get Rich – a Netflix Series Review

    I just recently finished the series How to Get Rich on Netflix. This series was my laundry folding series over the last two months! I had heard a lot about Ramit Sethi before but had never read a book of his or looked into what kind of financial advice he gives. This series was fun…

  • FIRE Movement

    If you saw from my last post, I’ve been doing some reading lately. The term FIRE movement, which stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early, has come up quite often lately. It’s peaked my interest, so I thought it was worth a post. What is FIRE? Those that are a part of the FIRE movement are…

  • Retraining Your Brain

    If you’ve ever done a weight loss program, you know that retraining your brain is the most important step to achieving your goals. In finance, the same is true. Knowing your triggers for overspending and then coming up with practical solutions to avoid or minimize them is key to future financial success. To achieve your…