Tag: kids

  • Momvestments

    Tonight as I was driving home from the store I was listening to the radio. A testimonial came on. I slowly melted into a puddle as the man described how he had friends who had built empires, owned lake houses, and drove expensive cars. His final thoughts were something along the lines of, “I realize…

  • Talking Money with Kids

    Your kids will learn about money from someone. Whether you teach them now or they learn from their friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, celebrities, or simply from the school of hard knocks, they will learn about money. Did you know that to date, only about 1 in 4 high school students have any sort of personal…

  • How to Save with Kids

    Trying to give, save, invest, and make the most of your time with your kids can feel as overwhelming as it sounds. How can one possibly save money while raising kids? It seems like there are never-ending expenses: diapers, clothes, activities, school fees, food, entertainment, etc. These are just the day-to-day expenses and don’t even…